Due to the current Coronavirus situation, we are following the best advice from experts and the Department of Health to ensure you can continue to book your taxi rides with confidence.
Our passenger and driver well-being is our top priority.
We are encouraging Taxi Drivers to carry out the following hygiene practices while providing transport services to passengers:
- Use alcoholic wipes to clean any hard surfaces in Taxis at the end of each shift or during the shift, if there has been contamination by a person coughing, sneezing or touching. Eg. Door handles, EFTPOS terminals, seatbelt and dashboard.
- Carry hand sanitiser in your taxi and ensure regular use by driver and passengers.
- Keep tissues in your vehicle and it is okay to ask passengers to use tissues when sneezing or coughing.
- If you are feeling unwell, it is recommended that you stay home and get in touch with your Local GP or call Health Direct on 1800 022 222 and ask for their advice. Anyone feeling seriously ill should contact 000.
The Australian Government’s Department of Health have provided information specifically aimed at public transport including taxis on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). Please read here for the full notice (advice dated 8 March 2020 – Department of Health).