Aerial has commenced work on a new business project that will move Taxi Administration to the web. Our aim is to streamline our procedures and eliminate the use of paper systems, thereby saving time and money.
This will make it simpler and faster for our customers, drivers and operators, to join and do business with Aerial.
The project is expected to take up to six months to reach full implementation. During this period Aerial will ask ALL (existing, on stand-by and new) operators to complete a NEW Application form (online) to register for Aerial’s new Taxi services.
The New Application (electronic) form can be found on the Aerial Capital Group and NZTaxiCom website with associated information. This new application will give access to Aerial Capital Group’s and NZTaxiCom’s NEW Base and Bureau fees and charges for taxis services.
We ask for your patience during this time as we transition and confirm all of your data with us is up to date.
As our new business project continues, selected operators, drivers and Bureau Partners will be working with us to trial and refine our new business procedures.
The Project is expected to begin implementation in June 2020, and we will provide information updates on progress as this develops.
Please regularly check our Aerial Capital Group and NZTaxiCom website News pages.