Aerial has partnered with the Capital Training Institute to offer nationally recognised essential COVID-19 related training for taxi drivers in Aerial’s fleet.
As from 5th November, the Capital Training Institute (CTI) will be contacting you directly to gather the information required and to book you in for training. In order to do that Aerial will provide the training institute your contact details.
The course will comprise a half day in-class component as well as some on-line activities and a practical demonstration of infection control procedures. This course is mandatory for all Aerial drivers. The good news is that once you receive your certificate you will be rewarded with a payment of $90.00 for those who attend the training promptly. If you do not attend on the day you are booked in you may forfeit the payment incentive.
After completing the course you will receive a certificate of completion which will provide a benefit to you not just in the taxi industry but beyond. This initiative is funded jointly by the ACT and Federal Governments to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 infection and to support customer confidence in the safety of our taxis.

The Infection control training has already commenced and a number of drivers and operators have already completed the course. We plan to have all drivers trained over the next several weeks.
Please work with CTI to get through the training as quickly as possible and for those who have completed the training course, don’t forget to return your completed Third Party report so you can receive your Statement of Attainment and the $90 payment.
How to Enrol:
Please note that The Capital Training Institute will be in contact with you to finalize your enrollment.
- If you are not an Australian citizen, Permanent Resident or New Zealand passport holder, then you must hold an “eligible visa” in order to access a subsidised training place. Eligible visas here for a list of eligible visa holders. If you do not hold an eligible visa, you will still be required to complete the course.
- You will be required to obtain a Unique Student Identifier (USI). This is your individual education identifier for life. Many of you may already have a USI. For those who don’t, it is an easy on-line process that will only take 5 minutes. You can access the registration process here: How to create a USI? How to find your USI?
- Every driver will also have to complete a short on-line Language, Numeracy and Literacy test as part of the enrolment process. Please access the following link to access the test: Infection Control Training – Language, Literacy and Numeracy quiz
- Personal Information required by the Capital Training Institute includes the following:
- Country of birth
- Year arrived in Australia
- Your USI number
- How well do you speak English?
- What language, other than English, do you speak at home?
- Do you have a disability, impairment or a long term condition? Please specify.
- Highest completed school level
- What other education qualifications do you have? E.g. Bachelor, diploma, Certificate
- Specify residency status, e.g Australian citizen, permanent resident, student visa
- Proof of place of residence
- Proof of citizenship or residency
- Your bank details (for payment of $90.00 attendance reward)
All this information will be required before you attend the course as there will be no time to complete it on the day of training.
Aerial will be marketing this training initiative to our account customers, so any driver who has not completed the training within the timeframe allowed will not receive any account work until the training is completed.
It will be a big task to train all drivers over a short period so I ask for your full co-operation in preparing for, and attending the training on the nominated day. There will be a class on weekends for those who may find it difficult to attend during the week. Class sizes will be restricted to 20 students to ensure safe distancing measures are in place.